Master of Architecture Programme- Aptitude Test
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Application requirements
The application for the master's program in architecture requires a first university degree in architecture, a 6-week construction internship and the passing of the qualifying examination (work portfolio) in the application year.
The 12-week office internship can be submitted later up to the time of registration for the master's thesis.
The aptitude test
In order to pass the aptitude test, applicants must submit an electronic portfolio between May 1st and June 15th to:
architektur-master-eignungstest (at)
Late submissions will not be considered.
General questions should be addressed to study (at)
Please copy and paste the following lines into your email and complete the form:
Personal information Persönliche Daten:
Surname Name:
First name Vorname:
Date of birth Geburtsdatum:
Place of birth Geburtsort:
Street Straße:
House number Hausnummer:
Postcode Postleitzahl:
City Ort:
Content of the portfolio
Send the portfolio as one file (PDF):
- Title page with family name, first name, birthday, place of birth, postal address, e-mail addess, name of the institution of your first academic degree and the signed statement of authorship.
- Presentation of two architecture and/or urban planning projects. In case of group work, the individual part must be clearly identified. Each project should be presented on 3 pages DIN A3.
- On another page A3 freely chosen works related to depicturing space or perception of space should be shown. These may be done artistically or conceptionally. Additional page will not be considered.
The file must not exceed 10 MB. Images should have a maximum resolution of 300 dpi. Please combine all documents into one file (PDF).
Name the file as follows: firstname_lastname_DATE OF BIRTH.pdf (Please enter the DATE OF BIRTH in following format DD.MM.YYYY).
The portfolio is judged by the following criteria:
- Criterion 1: Understandably shown conceptional way of solving the task at hand
- Criterion 2: Insertion into the context of city planning or surrounding space
- Criterion 3: Spacial and functional quality of the floor plan
- Criterion 4: Construction and material befitting the underlying concept
- Criterion 5: Quality of demonstration, visualisation, models
- Criterion 6: The value of the freely chosen works concerning their artistic expression in relation to space
Application process
Please note that passing the aptitude test still requires the formal application for the degree itself. This can be done via (April 1st - July 15th) for applicants with a foreign bachelor degree and proof of German C1. Applicants with German B1 or B2 must first apply via Uni Assist and take the aptitude test only the following year, when they will reach C1.
Admission process
Applicants are ranked by the sum of their bachelor degree (60%) and their result from the aptitude test (40%).
Legal conditions
You can find the legal document for the architecture apitude test here (in German).
Read also: Brochure on the aptitude test (PDF in German)