Establishment of an interdisciplinary research center „Action competence for safe housing and against domestic violence“
Duration: 01.04.2022 – 30.09.2025
Funding: Free State of Saxony (State Ministry of Science, Cultural Affairs and Tourism of Saxony)
Research into the prevention of domestic violence with a focus on housing conditions
In the context of the COVID-19 crisis, domestic violence - in addition to the health, social and economic effects of the pandemic - has been identified by science, politics and society as a serious threat to individuals and society. The police crime statistics for Saxony confirm this: Reported cases of domestic violence have increased. This increase is also fuelled by precarious living conditions, whether due to scarce or inadequate housing, tenancies that make it difficult to escape domestic violence, a lack of housing prospects after staying in women's shelters or the use of digital devices to intrusively control one’s partner. At the same time, there is a disparity between urban and rural areas with regards to the availability of help from support services and networks for adult victims and children at risk. An interdisciplinary research center for the prevention of domestic violence and the promotion of safe housing, which combines knowledge from economics and social sciences, psychology and the humanities, and which is also open to cooperate with regional institutions, the housing industry and researchers from technical disciplines, will investigate these issues.
Project management
Professor for Economics
Department: FWW
Phone: +49 341 3076-6634
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Publications and presentations
- Otto/Frieler, 2024: Junge Menschen und häusliche Gewalt (Adolescents and domestic violence). In: Tim Middendorf and Alexander Parchow (Hg.): Junge Menschen in prekären Lebenslagen. Theorien und Praxisfelder der Sozialen Arbeit (Young people in precarious life situations. Theories and fields of practice in social work): Beltz Juventa, p. 88–98.
- Wink/Frieler/Otto, 2023. Needs and framework conditions for research on domestic violence and safe housing in Leipzig and Saxony. Status paper.
(In German: Bedarfe und Rahmenbedingungen für die Forschung zu häuslicher Gewalt und sicherem Wohnen in Leipzig und Sachsen) - Presentation „Safe Housing“ at the German Congress for Geography 2023, 20.09.2023
(In German: „Sicheres Wohnen“) - Presentation „Pathways to Residential Autonomy“ at the German Congress of Geography 2023, 20.09.2023
(In German: „Wege zur Wohnraumautonomie“) - Presentation „Unseen Victims: Understanding the Impact of Domestic Violence on Children and Adolescents”, 22.09.2023
Project team

In English:
This project is co-financed through public funding based on the budget confirmed by the representatives of the Saxonian parliament.