Study Possibilities for Refugees
Which resident status do I need for studying?
There are no legal specifications that would exclude recognized asylum seekers from beginning their studies. The same applies to a person whose asylum procedure has not yet been completed or who has got an uncertain residential status (Duldungsstatus).
You do not need a work permit (Beschäftigungserlaubnis) to start studying. However, the residential status is important for financial support. Please contact Studentenwerk for further information.
Are there any prerequisites?
The admission to study programmes at HTWK Leipzig is restricted. Meaning that only so many applicants can be accepted as there are available spots in the respective study programme. Spots are allotted according to grade point average. Please check here for information on the selection process (content in German).
University Entrance Qualification
To be eligible for admission to a Bachelor’s degree programme as an international first-year student at HTWK Leipzig (or any other German university for that matter), you need to have the equivalent of a German Hochschulzugangsberechtigung. This long word refers to the school-leaving certificate that is recognised as a higher education entrance qualification. In Germany, this certificate is commonly known as the Abitur.
Applicants with a foreign university entrance qualification that cannot be accepted, have to take the qualification assessment examination in Germany, called "Prüfung zur Feststellung der Eignung ausländischer Studienbewerber für die Aufnahme eines Studiums an Hochschulen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland" (Feststellungsprüfung FSP). Preparations for the exam take place at Studienkolleg and require a placement test. The placement test is held in January and August at Studienkolleg of Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz (content in German).
German skills: International applicants will have to give proof of their German skills prior to starting their studies. Usually, the test "Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang ausländischer Studienbewerber (DSH)" needs to be passed at least at level DSH-2. You are exempt from this test if you hand in one of the following certificates:
- Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache (TestDaF) (at least level 4 in each sub-test) or
- Goethe-Zertifikat: „C2: Großes Deutsches Sprachdiplom“ or
- Deutsches Sprachdiplom der Kultusministerkonferenz (DSD II) or
- "telc Zertifikat C1 Hochschule"
Residential Status
For the application, it does not matter if you have a temporary resident permit, an uncertain status (Duldung), refugee status or are a recognized asylum seeker.
Selection Process and Deadlines
Please be aware of all the deadlines: application deadline, registration deadline, deadline for the payment of the semester fee. If you miss one of these deadlines, you will be excluded from the selection process.
You can find an overview of all deadlines on our German website Termine und Fristen.
Aptitude Test
There is an aptitude test for the Architecture Bachelor study programme. Please, check with our advice team if there are any tests for the study programme of your choice.
You can find more information on the test and the available dates on our German website Eignungsprüfung Architektur.
How can I apply?
For all information regarding the application process, please visit How to apply.
How can I prepare for my studies?
For your application with uni-assist e.V. you only need a German level of B1. You can apply with a B1-level and acquire the necessary language skills later at Studienkolleg. Do not wait with your application until you have reached the C1-level.
Please be aware that not all language certificates are accepted at HTWK Leipzig. There can also be an unnecessary waiting period if you are missing the certain certificates at the application deadline. It’s best to contact Student Services early on.
Further possibilities to prepare for your studies are listed below:
Guest students
There is time left until you begin your studies or you would like to get a first impression of your preferred study programme? You cannot decide which study programme to choose? You can apply for the guest student programme with this form.
This programme will help you to get to know the technical terms that the language course didn’t cover. It will be of great help once you start your studies.
Consultation for study programmes
If you have questions concerning the content of your preferred study programme, please seek out the consultation for study programmes. You can find the contact person on the website of the respective study programmes.
If you would like to speak with students of your preferred study programme, please contact the student representatives of your faculty (content in German).
Open learning space & tutoring - DAAD
"mitStudieren", a project funded by DAAD, will also help you prepare for your studies. The project provides support with learning German and with your application for studies.
More information about this service is available on the associated Facebook profile.
After your application and admission to studies at HTWK Leipzig, we offer the following services:
Applicants with a foreign university entrance qualification can prepare for their studies at Studienkolleg. Depending on the study programme of your choice, you will either take a WW or TI course (content in German) that will prepare you for your studies. You will acquire the DSH certificate as well.
If you have direct university access, you can attend the DSH course at Studienkolleg. The course usually runs for one semester (six months). You can apply for the course via uni-assist e.V. An application at Studienkolleg directly is not possible.
Please be aware that Studienkolleg of HTWK Leipzig is situated at Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz.
You can only attend the pre-courses (content in German) if you already received your admission.
Introduction Week
If you have been admitted to a study programme, please attend the introduction week (content in German). Introduction week will enable you to begin your studies quickly and easily. Many problems concerning the beginning of your studies won’t even be an issue for you then.
Buddy Programme
You can register for the student buddy programme and an enrolled HTWK-student will support you when you start your studies.
Where can I get advice?
Advice for refugees at HTWK Leipzig
Office Hours 1 Oct - 31 Jan | 1 Apr – 30 Jun
Mon: 13:00 - 15:00 | Tue: 13:00 - 17:00 | Wed: closed |
Thu: 09:30 - 11:30 and 13:00 - 15:00 | Fri: 9:00 - 11:00
Office Hours 1 Feb – 31 Mar | 1 Jul – 30 Sep
Tue: 13:00 - 17:00 | Thu: 09:30 - 11:30
BAföG advice
Amt für Ausbildungsförderung (Department for Grants)
Goethestraße 6
04109 Leipzig
Telephone: +49 341 9659-5
e-Mail: bafoegamt (at)
Office Hours at BAföG-Amt
Tue: 13:00 -17:00 | Thu: 09:00 -11:00
Office Hours BAföG-Service at Student Service Centre (SSZ)
Mon: 12:00 - 15:00 | Tue: 9:00 - 11:30 | Wed: 12:00 - 15:00 |
Thu: 13:00 - 16:00 | Fri: 9:00 - 12:00
Office hours vary during the semester break.
(BaföG = Germany's Federal Training Assistance Act for students who attend secondary schools and universities)
Please make an appointment beforehand to find out which documents you need to bring. Contact BAföG-Amt early on: Even before you begin your studies you can contact BAföG-Amt with a request of Vorabentscheid to check if you are BAföG eligible. The Vorabentscheid document is valid for one year and is useful after your immatriculation to receive your BAföG faster. It is recommended to apply for BAföG six months before you plan to start your studies.
Educational Advice Garantiefonds
This federal programme provides (financial) support for immigrated graduates and prospective students regarding possible study programmes or possible grant options. In Leipzig, Naomi e.V. Leipzig (content in German) is offering advice for this programme. Please make an appointment to get advice.
(Psycho)Social advice
Studentenwerk Leipzig offers advice for students regarding the following issues:
- Financing your studies
- Studying with residence permit
- Studying with children
- Test anxiety
- Contact problems
- Dealing with stress
- and more
Refugee Law Clinic
Kochstraße 132
04277 Leipzig
(c/o Gesellschaft für Völkverständigung)
If you have questions concerning your Asylverfahren, you can use the contact form to get in touch with the Refugee Law Clinic for free and anonymous advice.
More offers
Student Buddy Programme
Once you start your studies at HTWK Leipzig, you will probably have many questions regarding the university and how to organize your schedule. The buddy programme provides support.
The programme is addressed to international students who are new to HTWK Leipzig. It will make the first weeks easier, help you to join the student community and overcome cultural obstacles. Students from HTWK Leipzig (buddies) accompany international students in their first year of studies and help with their arrival and the organization of their studies.
Your advantages:
- first contacts at HTWK Leipzig
- contact to students before the semester begins
- support with the organization of your studies
- linguistic support
If you are interested in taking part in the programme, please visit Buddy Programme for International Students.
There is a special shelf in the university libary (content in German) to provide support during your first weeks at HTWK Leipzig. On this shelf you can find literature to help you study German, organize your studies and your daily life, literature on German history and German novels.
If you can’t find the shelf by yourself just ask at the reception desk in the library and the staff will assist you.