Our Research Principles

Rules for scientific research
We commit ourselves to ensure good scientific practice. In case of suspicion or allegations regarding scientific misconduct, there are ombudsmen at the disposal of all university members. Upon request of the ombudsman, the standing committee for the investigation of allegations of scientific misconduct will take action.
Contact persons
Assistant to the Vice-Rector for Research

- Telefon:
- +49 341 3076-6536
Research at HTWK Leipzig is ...
... application-oriented.
Contract research for business clients and institutions throughout the region has emerged as a defining feature of HTWK Leipzig’s research profile. Students and young scientists are directly involved in these research activities (internships, project work, thesis and doctorate).
... market-oriented and preferably regional.
We strive to quickly translate research findings into products, procedures and services.
... efficient.
Applied research at HTWK Leipzig is characterized by high levels of efficiency. Projects are mostly short-term and, compared to basic research, require fewer funds.
... flexible.
Our key research areas have been designed to meet the needs of users. Ongoing input from companies about their daily routines helps to open the university towards new, practically relevant research and teaching content.
... interdisciplinary.
Researchers from different disciplines frequently work together on a project or draw on findings provided by other disciplines.