Guests at HTWK Leipzig

No matter if you are a professor, an employee, a group of students or someone who is interested in forming a new international cooperation, the International Office will help you to find the right contact person.
We are looking forward to meeting you at HTWK Leipzig!
Coming to do research
Guest Researchers
The DAAD offers many programmes concerning short-term research in Germany for international scientists. You can find more information on the website for Research in Germany. Requirements are a specific research project and a contact at HTWK Leipzig.
Coming to teach
Erasmus+ STA (staff mobility for teaching) at HTWK Leipzig
Lecturers from our Erasmus+ partner universities can teach at HTWK Leipzig and receive funding from their home university. A condition for this programme is a valid Erasmus+ cooperation agreement for staff mobility for teaching between HTWK Leipzig and your home university. The teaching period has to be between two days and two months (excluding travel times) with at least eight hours of teaching per stay or per commenced week.
Guest lecturers from non-Erasmus+ countries
The Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst (DAAD) offers the programme “Förderung ausländischer Gastdozenten zu Lehrtätigkeiten an deutschen Hochschulen” for international guest lecturers. The application deadline is 15 July for the following winter semester and 15 January for the following summer semester. The applicant is HTWK Leipzig.
Coming for training
Erasmus+ STT (staff mobility for training) at HTWK Leipzig
Employees of our Erasmus+ partner universities can come to HTWK Leipzig to gain an insight into our departments and working processes and get funding from their home universities. A condition for this programme is a valid Erasmus+ cooperation agreement for staff mobility for training between HTWK Leipzig and your home university.