Services and Facilities
An Overview
International Office
The International Office is the central coordinating office for strategic issues of internationalization and first contact for cooperation agreements.
- Phone: +49 341 3076-6637
Email: international (at)
Website: International Office
University Library
The library supports all members of the university as well as the university’s academic programmes. It offers a wide array of services to its users.
In the library, study places and study rooms (individual and group) are available and the library also offers different workshops on topics such as information literacy and reference management programmes.
The library’s holdings include:
- 280.000 print volumes
- 360 print journals
- 52.000 e-books
- 26.000 e-journals
- 190 licensed databases
These collections can be accessed via the library’s catalogue (publications) and website (databases and norms).
News and information on upcoming events can also be found on the library’s website (content in German).
- General Library Information / Circulation Desk
Phone: +49 341 3076-6593
Fax: +49 341 3076-6478
Email: ausleihe.bib (at)
Website: University Library (content in German)
Centre for Mathematics and Natural Sciences
The Centre for Mathematics and Natural Sciences was founded in 2019 as the central scientific institution of the university for research and teaching in mathematics, physics and chemistry. In cooperation with the faculties, the Centre aims to intensify research and to ensure excellent academic basic training tailored to the needs of the individual courses of study.
- Website: Centre for Mathematics and Natural Sciences (content in German)
University Sports Centre
The University Sports Centre offers programmes in more than 50 sports. Students may choose between courses taught by trained instructors and informal meetings. The many Wednesday tournaments are very popular. Thanks to a fully equipped gymnasium with its own weight and exercise rooms, there is a wide range of opportunities to match anybody’s interest. All important information regarding registration, offered sports courses, the various camps and much more is available at the University Sports Centre website.
- Phone: +49 341 302-6820
Email: hochschulsport (at)
Website: University Sports Centre (content in German)
University College
HTWK’s University College offers courses covering transferable skills including foreign languages with intercultural understanding, digital literacy, social and leadership skills which complement and enhance the students’ Bachelor and Master studies.
- Contact (General studies)
Dr. rer. nat. Martin Schubert
Phone: +49 341 3076-6155
Email: studiumgenerale (at)
Website: General studies (content in German)
- Contact (Foreign languages and intercultural skills)
Dr. phil. Antje Tober
Phone: +49 341 3076-6173
Email: fremdsprachen.hochschulkolleg (at)
Website: Foreign languages and intercultural skills (content in German)
IT Service Centre
The IT Service Centre is responsible for the IT infrastructure at HTWK Leipzig. They support all members of HTWK Leipzig in matters of IT problems and questions.
HTWK Leipzig has numerous computers for the use of students, variously located in libraries, faculty buildings and a computer lab featuring open-access university PCs and workstations that are also available at night and on weekends.
With so many students bringing their own devices like notebooks, tablets and smartphones, we also provide a widely deployed wifi installation on campus so students can use their own mobile devices via wireless connection. This service is available in many campus locations, let you access the university's IT infrastructuce and offers free and fast access to the internet.
- Phone: +49 341 3076-6434
Email: servicedesk(at)
Website: IT Service Centre (content in German)