Rectorate at HTWK Leipzig

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jean-Alexander Müller
Vice-Rector for Education:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Klarmann
Vice-Rector for Research and Sustainability:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Faouzi Derbel
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Swantje Rother
Responsibilities of the Rectorate
The Rectorate manages the university and conducts its business (§ 83 SächsHSFG). The Rectorate is especially responsible for fundamental issues of budget and budget planning, the allocation and management of the all-over positions and funds (if not managed by the Chancellor herself), fundamental issues of structural development and property as well as allocation of rooms within the university. Moreover, the Rectorate is in charge of the strategic orientation of the university and the establishment of the university development plan with regard to the development plans of the faculties. The Rectorate is also responsible for maintaining public order at the university.
Members of the Rectorate may join every committee meeting at the university.